

You should regularly sweep and hose down exposed concrete aggregate concrete to protect it. Toowoomba's climate is sunny and dry so this is easy to do. You may need to be more vigilant in the rainy season to avoid mildew and moss growth.

Concrete Toowoomba Specialist

News from Toowooomba

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Concrete wouldn't be possible without fine aggregate.

precision concrete cutting

precision concrete cutting

Concrete without fine aggregate would be difficult to make.

concrete sidewalk crack repair

It is essential to regularly sweep and rinse concrete that has been exposed. Toowoomba's climate is ideal for this as it is usually dry and sunny. However, you will need to be more careful during the rainy seasons in order not to let moss or mildew grow.

concrete sidewalk crack repair
concrete pad footings

concrete pad footings

Stamped concrete, a type concrete, is one that is textured or imprinted so it looks like stone, bricks, slate, or another material. It is most commonly used in patios and walkways, driveways as well as ornamental flooring.

concrete mixer working

A high-quality patio slab is a great way to have fun on your patio. ABC Stone is proud to carry only the very best. Our patio slabs are made from durable materials that can withstand the elements, and last for many years.

concrete sidewalk crack repair
cracked slab

Looking to upgrade your home's curb appeal? Start by investigating driveway contractors in your area. A professional and reliable contractor can transform your dull, lifeless driveway into a thing of beauty. Imagine coming home to a smoothly paved surface that compliments your home's architecture. Let the experts help you choose the right materials and design for your needs. With a new driveway, you'll be the envy of the neighborhood in no time!

cracked slab

Frequently Asked Questions

No, you don't need rebar for a 4 inch slab. However, if you're planning on putting anything heavy on the slab or if it will be subject to high stress, then adding rebar is a good idea. Reinforcing the slab with rebar increases its strength and durability, making it less likely to crack under pressure. 

If you're not sure whether or not your project needs rebar, it's always best to consult with a professional engineer or contractor. They can help you assess the risks and decide whether reinforcing the slab is necessary.

It is possible for concrete to be too strong. If a concrete mix is too dense, it can cause cracking and other problems. In addition, if the mixture is too wet, the resulting concrete may be too weak. It's important to get the proportions of sand, gravel, cement and water just right in order to produce a strong but durable concrete.

Yes, concrete is definitely available in Australia! It's actually a very popular construction material here, since it's so versatile and durable. If you're looking for concrete, you should definitely be able to find it without any problems.